Meeting Minutes
Board Members
Christine Laliberte, Allan Whiting, Lauren Ross, Brooks Barth, Sam Yerke
Speakers or Guests
Greg Bourget (Portland Clean Air)
Action Items
CL - Share Portland Clean air letters once received (3/22)
CL - Share NECN Grant Status once received (3/25)BB - Write grant for PPR Movie/Concert in the park
CL - Contact Jed about movie in the park selections & number of tables
BB - Working on PPF Small Grant application, submit by April 15
SY - Connect with 1800JUNK about trash removal if we organize a clean up
CL - Contact Portland Parks & Rec about Alberta volunteering this spring
Small grant status from Brooks
Portland Clean Air info (Greg)
Woodlawn Native Planting Event Saturday 3/19 9-12p, RSVP required, posted to FB/IG - put on by City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services
Sam/Nikki community outreach
NECN grant announcement delay to 3/25
NECN liaison update
T-shirts 50 shirts S/M/L/XL $12 per shirt 3-4 weeks
Pick a movie - any ideas/thoughts?
Planning for April Community meeting
Portland Clean Air (Greg Bourget)
Updates: 35 years of DEQ data to graph - they wrote a program to collect purple air data in Portland area & can monitor/compare purple airs anywhere in the city. GPS mounted monitors using Purple Air sensors with EPA correction & auto mapper. Bike around and automatically maps the ride particulates. Same with VOC measuring. Using $5k grants to test/analyze 56 VOCs at lab in CA. Want to do the same for diesel particulate ($36k, have $18k). Can look at pm 0.2 & 0.1. First source testing in Portland: Owens Brockway releasing 192lbs arsenic 597lbs lead annually. - Columbia Steel N.Portland 2409lbs of ?? Both illegal
Linton NA wrote one of the letters for endorsement: 90% of tanks on fill - will fail with cascadia earthquake releasing tons of VOCs since they are not sealed - trying to get DEQ to take measurements vs. some formula (which has been banned in ME/MA). Want to move tanks to safe bay areas on bedrock. DEQ meeting with Linton’s board, but not getting a good response. Linton NA is asking that their letter is endorsed by VNA and others. There will be about 12 different issues with corresponding letters. Will send package on 3/22 with all the letters to endorse other NA efforts.
PPF Small Grant Status Brooks just started writing up the proposal w/Portland Parks - April 15th
Nikki Ricks is voted in as the VNA board secretary
Alberta Park Volunteering 2022 - Reach out to Portland Parks & Rec (Christine)
Put up sign about volunteering & ‘join us’
Can put up flyers to promote
Connect with person who does naturescapes
Outreach update - have made some contacts. Nikki attended Alberta Coop board meeting. Will work on trying to figure out minority owned businesses and businesses that have been in Vernon a long time.
NECN liaison meeting
New metrics coming out from the city to meet requirements to meet diversity and inclusion benchmarks. Financial reporting.
Future VNA May work meeting in person - meet @the park or grab a beer somewhere together
Fundraising Ideas for Movie in the Park:
Logo’d koozies, t-shirts, hats, stickers, temporary tattoos
work with SOLVE - could weigh garbage & have businesses sponsor $$ & it all goes toward movie in the park. With a max amount per business.
SOLVE will reimburse for bringing trash to the dump. Last Vernon clean up McMenamin’s volunteered their trash bins for the picked up waste.
Adopt-a-Block is connected w/1800JUNK and they will pick it up (Sam to reach out)
Tabling @Movie in the Park: Do tiers of sponsorship
From running club:
$500 tent/table
$250 mentioned in a newsletter, log on t-shirt & website
For VNA: $100 ask (but can work with the vendor)
Christine to confirm how many tables we have
Movie ideas - post to FB/IG to poll what people want to see:
Black Panther
En Canto
Ask Jed if those are on any other lists. (Christine)
VNA April Newsletter/VNA Community meeting ideas/agenda - April 20,2022
10min to Oregon Coalition for Criminal Justice Reform
Justen executive director from NECN meet & greet
Movie in the Park this summer
See about Alberta Park volunteering - in May? One big event?
Kim Kasch (City Commissioner #3) requested to speak
Leave space for organizations to join & talk about what they need
Suggestion from Ryan is to host our commissioner, who he believes is Susheela Jayapal. But I also agree and support the idea of having one of the other orgs in our neighborhood come!