Meeting Minutes
Board Members
Christine Laliberte, Allan Whiting, Lauren Ross, Brooks Barth, Angie Rickard, Sam Yerke, Nikki Ricks
Speakers or Guests
Justen Harn from Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods (NECN)
Action Items
CL - Reach out to Angela and Doug to finalize dates for the walking tours
CL - Reach out to Sam about walking tours flyers
NR - Reach out to NECN about steps to add a donate button for the website
LR - Creating letter to write to potential sponsors for the movie in the park
CL - Finding out if vendors need to bring their own tables for the movie
NR - Adding a section to the website around survey response
Justen Harn from NECN
Discuss Historical Walking Tours for Spring/Summer
Fundraising for Movie in the Park ($1000 due 7/1)
Choose vendors for tabling and who will reach out
Come up with VNA plan of approach
Donate button to website
Newsletter section on accountability and things we can do to focus our efforts on community concerns
Sam update on meet with Jackie @Earth Advantage on their demolition standard
Future in person VNA meeting plan
Justen Harn from NECN
Christine explains to Justen the past couple of years of VNA and some of the initiatives. Nikki, Angie, Brooks, and Justen introducing themselves Justen wants to evaluate current systems at NECN. Wanting to behave more like a private nonprofit and organize a community advisory board. Wanting to do more surveying and potentially reband and get back to what the community wants and needs. Group discussion around some of the needs of VNA like connecting with more community members, acknowledging racist history of NA’s, wanting to learn how to connect more with community members
Historical Walking Tours for Spring/Summer
Discussion of how the tours went last year and having a board member for check-ins on the day of the tour.
Potential dates to have the walking tours:
July 23
Aug 6
We are asking for one more August date
July 24, 31
August date
Flyer - planning on using the old flyer and update for this year. Christine is reaching out to Sam to see if this is something we could edit.
Promotion. In the past we picked up 50 flyers and everyone would hang up 10. We asked businesses to put up in the window, take some to Woodlawn farmers market and Kings farmers market. We can also add to the Newsletter, social media and reach out to Concordia newspaper
Future in person VNA meeting plan
June 15th - meeting at P’s and Q’s and ppl can call in if they need to
Fundraising for Movie in the Park ($1000 due 7/1)
Nikki will reach out to Charlotte at NECN about adding a donate button to the website. We discussed adding what the funds would be for. Added bonus would be to show current funds Lauren will be creating a letter to send out to potential sponsors for the event
Corporate - $500
Small Business - $250
Community involvement - FREE, places like Leaven or new businesses want to share samples
After letter is created we will then choose vendors for tabling and who will reach out
Newsletter section on survey results
After discussion around maintainability we decided that instead of updating in every newsletter we add to the website instead. There’s a lot of great content that has been shared on what VNA has done to help address community concerns in newsletters and past meetings so reusing that material would be ideal. Adding in a “Did you know?” section and referencing the newsletters.