Meeting Minutes

Board Members

Allan Whiting, Dustin Davis, David Heller, Devlin Peck, Taylor Villucci, Brooks Barth, and Nikki Ricks


13 neighbors in attendance

Speakers or Guests

Jane from Leaven Community Center

Action Items

Email committees to start conversation and organizing


The Vernon Neighborhood Association gathered on January 10th, with an impressive turnout of 13 neighbors. The meeting proceeded as follows:

Introductions & Additional Agenda Items (6:00 pm)

Nikki, VNA Co-Chair, initiated the meeting, and neighbors introduced themselves.

Guest Speaker - Jane from Leaven Community Center

Jane provided insights into her involvement with Leaven for the past 2-1/2 years. She shared her work with youth during the pandemic, emphasizing their focus on climate justice. Leaven, in collaboration with the Portland Fruit Trees Project, is establishing an art space for all ages. Jane highlighted upcoming Earth Day plans, including native plant sales, a bouncy house, an all-ages band, and sponsorship opportunities for local businesses.

Community Initiatives and Collaborations

Devlin discussed plans for a Last Friday Clean-Up following Last Thursday events, collaborating with Maquette. Adopt A Block and potential collaboration with SOLVE were explored. Taylor and Nikki will connect with Sam to explore engagement with neighbors adopting their blocks and explore grant opportunities from EMSWCD for clean-up days.

Upcoming City Council Candidate Visit and NECN Updates

Chris Olson, a District 2 City Council Candidate, will attend the next meeting. Allan and Taylor will continue to represent VNA at NECN meetings amidst redistricting changes.

Committee Updates

David Heller updated on the Safe Streets committee's efforts to request changes on Killingsworth, including speed limit reduction, marked crossing updates, and flashing pedestrian infrastructure installation.

Brooks, Dustin, and Tara shared updates from the Street Trees committee, discussing goals and potential focus areas.

Devlin explored collaboration opportunities with Maquette and future art walks.

Sam proposed the creation of a Resiliency Hub for community support during crises, seeking funding and building relationships.

Planning for the Year and Community Engagement

Discussions included planning an Earth Day event, committees outlining their goals for 2025 community survey reporting, community engagement at Sunday Parkways, Concordia events at Alberta Park, and increased involvement with NECN.

The meeting concluded with action items set for emailing committees to initiate conversations and organize efforts aligned with the discussed topics.


Meeting Minutes


Art Walk and Talk with Samir!