Meeting Minutes
Board Members
Christine Laliberte, Brooks Barth, Nikki Ricks, Sam Yerke, Allan Whiting
Brendan Mortimer
Speakers or Guests
Jona Davis (NECN)
Action Items
SY/NR - Pick up sign
BOARD - Handoff meeting at Christine’s house November 2nd
Board elections!
discuss keeping current structure or changing to flat structure where everyone shares responsibilities
handoff of responsibilities
Need to revise/update VNA bylaws - goal for 2023
PPF Small grant update from Brooks
Renew Zoom in early Dec vs. in-person meetings vs hybrid
Where would in person meetings be held? NECN? Leaven?
Free bystander training, set up a date? link for bystander training
Nov/Dec meeting plan
Board elections!
Discuss keeping current structure or changing to flat structure where everyone shares responsibilities
handoff of responsibilities
Allan asking what other neighbor associations have done as far as a management structure
Jona mentioned that a lot of associations have moved away from typical structure but maintain visibility by posting events. It gets tricky when there’s money involved and expenditures. Issue becomes when we use the funds, who decides - typically it’s with the chair. So if we didn’t have a chair, who is the agreement with. NECN interests is that community is served. If we wanted to continue to do event, that’s the best outreach. It would make it easier and smoother to have the positions, maybe not all of them. The bylaws do give specific roles and responsibilities - not all of that is required. However, we do need to have a governing body so we can preserve inclusion, equity and accountability for government funds. We want folks to be engaged and not have unnecessary things. Have some form of structure and be open to the public. Some groups became more involved because they weren’t doing some of the technicalities.
To be recognized as an official org - and receive funds. VNA has the freedom to change the bylaws
NECN has space for two people to sign
NECN does not need titles and descriptions
Depends on what we have planned for this next year - what we want our focus to be. Last year it was events, if we wanted to continue to do the walking events - there would be no barrier.
Ultimately we need to do what’s best for us
Christine discusses stepping down but still offering help.
Brooks brings up what would happen if we didn’t have a board. Mort mentions this has happened in the past. Jona said we would still receive support from NECN if we have “all of our ducks in a row” or not. NECN would still recognize us and manage our funds.
Christine talks about how there are structures in place. But talks about her experience of stepping in and figuring out what we want to do.
Jona mentions “You may want to reduce the number of meetings to encourage participation.”
Allan mentions he gets energy to keep going and seeing what the structural change seeing things through. He’s happy to see things
Jona mentions “It was great to see you all partner with other associations and groups.”
Christine is encouraging people and group to continue on.
Angie would remain a member at large but concern with her participation level with her kids. Even if she could make it to some of the meetings it’s helpful.
Sam won’t continue to be a board member but will be around. He’s going to be involved with other groups in the community.
Brooks is interested
Jona - NECN is here to support but here as much as we need them to be. They’re not a governing body in the old school way. Not big brother government. They’re there if they’re invited. Jona is here to record and to function.
Brooks, Allan and Nikki can go ahead. If we want to do hybrid we could do it at their office - bribe with donuts, no alcohol but we could.
Brooks suggested he and Nikki be co-chairs and Allan staying on the board. Allan is encouraged especially seeing the involvement with NECN.
We are putting it to a vote to have
Brooks Barth as co-chair
Nikki Ricks as co-chair
Allan Whiting as treasurer - just so NECN can have someone to report to
Christine makes the motion for the above and is seconded by Brooks. Sam said he “thirded it”
Jona asks for a votes and it’s unanimous
Jona says you’re required to have 3 meetings a year. Keep it simple. NECN is pursuing getting more funding from the latest clean up project. We use to give funds to do clean ups - so they’re hoping to give part or all of it back. A lot of folks are complaining about trash and camping - so Jona is looking to see if some of the NA’s could get some of those funds. Be looking in the next month to hear more about that.
Clean up
Christine and Mort - Before the pandemic - VNA were working with Concordia and Woodlawn to share with volunteers and resources - it’s a suggested donation - and could be a cool opportunity. It was for fundraising efforts. Could be cool to partner with Reclaim it or something.
Need to have a handoff of responsibility
Meeting on November 2nd at 7pm with Christine to talk through passwords and knowledge sharing.
Renew Zoom in early Dec vs. in-person meetings vs hybrid
Where would in person meetings be held? NECN? Leaven?
We’ve been splitting it with the King and would need to reach out to them - it’s a permission thing that’s been a pain. Does the board want to meet in person or hybrid and meet at NECN.
NECN is free. With Leaven did pay $50-$100 a year. Upside to using Leaven is that it’s in Vernon, and a great space and brings people to that space.
PPF Small grant update from Brooks
Brooks submitted the grant and said Jessica said it would be a couple of weeks
Free bystander training, set up a date?
Christine mentioned an interesting option. Elliot had mentioned doing an inclusion and diversity training. It’s an interesting option - to delve into. Could be helpful training.
Nov/Dec meeting plan
Typically we skip December cause it’s the holidays. We decide to skip December and just catch up over email.
Need to revise/update VNA bylaws - goal for 2023
Ongoing thing for the board to work on