Meeting Minutes

Board Members

Allan Whiting, Brooks Barth and Nikki Ricks


9 neighbors in attendance

Speakers or Guests


Action Items



This year the board has been keeping on the lights. We decided we needed to understand how to prioritize the needs of the community and felt distributing a survey was the best way to do that.

This meeting was held at The Hilt where we had neighbors introduce themself say if they came for a particular reason, where they lived and what they love about Vernon. Here concerns neighbors shared:

  • Ideas for how to manage living next to homes that clearly need social services

  • Concerns for the traffic around 16th and Killingsworth and 19th and Killingsworth

We then went over the survey results which can be found in this link: Vernon Survey 2023.

Below is some of the conversation that was had in the meeting:

  • We discussed doing SOLVE cleanup days

  • Continued to chat about 15th and Killingsworth becoming more visible and that the city should put a trash can on that corner. An idea to change the zoning was referenced. Someone mentioned that Metro is willing to place dumpster to help assist the cleanup.

  • Someone mentioned a woman and her daughter have adopted their street and do clean up days every Sunday.

  • Someone mentioned not liking the “free stuff” that neighbors put on their porches. It was mentioned that if there are items that are abandoned and need to get picked up that residents can contact or can even post on buynothing.

  • It was mentioned that people have concerns with speeding, not street racing. Along Killingsworth people will go up to 50 mph and some residents mentioned having it really impact their lives throughout the years with damage to their property for example.

  • We chatted about speed calming along 15th and that there’s none in our neighborhood despite having it in the north and south neighborhood along 15th. Someone mentioned it was a fire route and someone else mentioned that the trucks are able to fit through the middle of the speed bumps.

  • Someone mentioned the Leaven maker and art space and that there could potentially be some collaboration and connection there

  • Someone else mentioned Hey Neighbor and trying to get in that newsletter

  • Linking up with the Concordia Newsletter and potentially having them adopt us

  • Chatted about tree of heaven being an issue around the neighborhood and destroying homes foundations

  • Someone mentioned John Rogers of Redeemer Lutheran being someone that help people in the past with social services in the area

Meeting wrapped up!


Meeting Minutes


Meeting Minutes