Meeting Minutes

Board Members

Christine Laliberte, Allan Whiting, Lauren Ross, Brooks Barth


Sam Yerke, Julie Doumbia, Jordana Leeb, Bonnie Hull, Bonny Vosu, Maggie

Speakers or Guests

Doug Decker, Mike Vaughn

Action Items

Sam Yerke - Sam Yerke Draft a letter to PBOT and send to VNA board to review and send along

BB - Reach out to NECN to ask for guidance on amplifying the request from Sam

VNA board - Send the request to PBOT once finalized on reducing speeding near Roselawn Park

CL - Complete the NECN Small Grant proposal & submit before 1/31

VNA board - Send any NECN small grant comments by 1/22


  • Doug Decker to speak about the history of the naming of Alberta St.

  • Mike Vaughn, the Multnomah County Assessor to talk about property taxes

  • NECN Small Grant

  • Slow traffic request at 13th & Roselawn by the park (Sam)

  • Parking concern about new development at 14th Pl and Killingsworth (Maggie)


Started meeting, reviewed agenda items, asked for any additional items. Sam asked that we add traffic slowing at 13th/Roselawn to the agenda.

Doug Decker presented his research on the history of how Alberta St. got its name from the daughter of Queen Victoria and answered questions.

Maggie brought up her concern about the new development at 14th Pl and Killingsworth not having parking. Added to the agenda.

Mike Vaughn, Multnomah County’s Tax Assessor gave a presentation on property taxes and answered questions.

Sam Yerke discussed the area near Roselawn Park. He has noticed cars use 13th as a through way and are driving faster than it is safe to do, especially next to the park. Could we add concrete planters or plastic bollards to narrow the street to encourage slower driving? Would like VNA to help support his request to PBOT. VNA will also reach out to NECN for help/guidance.

Sam also expressed interest in joining the board as the Land Use and Development head & will email VNA.

Parking at 14th & Killingsworth low income housing development. We expressed to Maggie that we had these conversations about a year ago with the developers since we had heard from other neighbors as well about their concerns regarding more units and no parking. Unfortunately VNA did not have much of a say in changing the development plans. The developers however are going to push ‘green’ initiatives with the occupants, such as free or reduced priced TriMet passes.

NECN Small Grant - asked for feedback by this weekend. Will plan to submit next week. Will probably follow up via email with any last open items.


Meeting Minutes